Wellbeing for refugees and asylum seekers
What is this group?
This a group for people who are asylum seekers and/or refugees to come together, have fun, try drama skills and be creative.
What are the sessions like?
Sessions are open to all – whether you have experience of performing or not!
We run the group in a friendly, relaxed way so that nobody feels left behind.
We start every week with a wellbeing check in. We then play drama games focused on connection, imagination and fun. We tell stories, we share a lot of laughter, we explore themes that interest us. It’s a good way to grow your confidence, be creative with other people, practise English and escape the outside world for a few hours.
Where and when?
We meet on Wednesdays 10:30am – 12:30pm at Solace in Leeds – click here for a map.
Can you help with travel and language barriers?
We can cover travel costs if you bring a receipt/ticket. Tea, coffee and biscuits are provided.
We can provide an interpreter – please contact us to arrange this – sarah@fallintoplace.co.uk
How do I join?
You must be a member of Solace to join this group. This is free and easy to do. You can also get more free support from Solace once you are a member. Please contact Solace if you wish to refer someone or yourself – https://www.solace-uk.org.uk/therapy/referral-process
Please feel free to email info@fallintoplace.co.uk if you have any questions.

We would love to hear from you. Please get in touch:
Or alternatively, contact us directly at info@fallintoplace.co.uk