Generation Squad
Imagination has no age limits
We believe that imagination has no age limits
‘Generation Squad’ is a drama group for people of all ages and abilities. We make plays, we act and we make props. But most importantly, we have a good laugh together. Whatever your age – come along and join our family!
We believe that age is just a number
That’s why we welcome all ages and abilities to this group, but particularly welcome older people and students to join us. We find people across ages love coming together and feel like ‘a family’. And our family can keep on growing and welcome new members to the gang!

Join our friendly drama group
Generation Squad is currently running on Fridays 3-4:30pm at Heart Arts & Enterprise Centre, Headingley (term time only).
You are most welcome to get involved! All sessions are free.
Please email to find out more or give it a go.
We wish to express huge thanks to the Creative Healthy Ageing project, OWLS, Leeds Older People’s Forum and Public Health for enabling this group to run.
We would love to hear from you. Please get in touch:
Or alternatively, contact us directly at