Our Joyful Drama group are famous! We had the pleasure of being on Chapel FM to share our stories and giggles on the theme of ‘Welcome to Yorkshire’ on 28th March.


Guard: Come in number 9 your time is up.

48:  Blimey I’m number 48, I’ll be ages.  
                                                                              – Jenni Nolan, ‘Keeping Track of the Numbers’


So what is ‘Joyful Drama’? 

According to our members, it is a safe, fun space where you can just ‘be yourself’ and feel free and creative. We learn drama skills, we laugh, we play, and we forget about our worries for a little while. Read more about us HERE.  


                                                   Who can come  along?

Everyone is welcome, but we especially welcome unpaid carers to attend, as we can see how much benefit it brings people who perhaps really need a fun release and bit of ‘me time’.

RUPERT: Are you wearing L’Oreal, Tricia?

TRICIA: Yes, I am.

RUPERT: Because you’re worth it.

                                                                              – Pete Tidy, ‘Happy Valentine’s Day

How did you create the stories?


Some stories our members wrote. Sometimes we create funny scenes in the group and our facilitator Sarah wrote them up into scripts. We are blown away by the talent in our group, and it was a pleasure to share it on radio. 

To listen to our radio show – just follow the link HERE


Can I join?

Of course! We meet at Heart Centre in Headingley Leeds on Thursday mornings. It is free to attend – please contact Sarah to join –sarah@fallintoplace.co.uk

A huge thanks to our funders – Leeds Inspired,  Foyle Foundation and National Lottery for continuing to make this group happen and bring joy and creativity to our members.

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